Making Your Raspberry Pi Work with mlx90614: A Comprehensive Guide
If you are an avid user of Raspberry Pi, you would definitely want to know how to integrate it with mlx90614. In this article, we will walk you through the necessary steps so you can easily make your Raspberry Pi work with mlx90614.
What is mlx90614?
mlx90614 is a non-contact infrared thermometer sensor that can detect temperature without physically touching the object. It is a great addition to your Raspberry Pi project especially if you are working on applications that require temperature detection such as environmental monitoring or medical equipment.
Step 1: Installing Necessary Libraries
The first step in making your Raspberry Pi work with mlx90614 is to install the necessary libraries. The most common library used for mlx90614 is Adafruit CircuitPython library which you can easily install by running the following command:
- sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-mlx90614
Step 2: Connecting mlx90614 to Raspberry Pi
Once you have installed the necessary libraries, the next step is to connect mlx90614 to your Raspberry Pi. Make sure your Raspberry Pi is turned off before making any hardware connections. To connect mlx90614, follow these steps:
- Connect the 3v and GND pins of your Raspberry Pi to the corresponding pins of mlx90614
- Connect the SDA and SCL pins of your Raspberry Pi to the corresponding pins of mlx90614
Step 3: Testing mlx90614
After connecting mlx90614 to your Raspberry Pi, it’s time to test if it’s working properly. You can easily do this by running the following script:
- import board
- import busio
- import adafruit_mlx90614
- i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
- mlx = adafruit_mlx90614.MLX90614(i2c)
- print(“Ambient Temperature: “, mlx.ambient_temperature)
- print(“Object Temperature: “, mlx.object_temperature)
In this article, we have discussed how to make your Raspberry Pi work with mlx90614. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can easily integrate mlx90614 into your Raspberry Pi project and start detecting temperature without physically touching the object. So go ahead and give it a try today!